Which brings me to today. I'm still what you could consider "not popular". Marriage only lasted 4 years, haven't even found one date since the divorce, even after spending a lot of money over the years on online dating sites, finally giving up on those sites a couple of years ago. Been unemployed since late October, even after constantly applying for work at all the places I'd be qualified to work at... except Wal-Mart, because they are the bastards that let me go just because I "took too many days off" when I had the flu, even though I had an excuse from the doctor (now I refuse to even step one foot in the place). Course, when I was at Wal-Mart, I wouldn't have been successful at developing a "social life" anyway, because my work hours changed daily, with no set days off most of the time. Doubt I'd develop much of a social life anyway, since the son is living here now, and he doesn't know the meaning of the word "privacy"... although he likes HIS.
Think the reasons I'm where I stand today is: 1)family didn't have much money when I was growing up, thus the cheap no-name clothes... 2)no brother or sister(at least I would have had someone to directly "compete" with).
You've heard of lonely old "cat ladies"... well... I feel like I'm destined to become a lonely old cat man...