So, I go to "Best Buy", and get her an identical laptop to mine, so I would know the signal would work. I spend a couple of hours setting things up for her, getting rid of the "Norton" trialware, putting on "Microsoft Security Essentials" in its place, downloading Windows Updates, and downloading Firefox, then unpinning the Internet Exploder icon from the taskbar. Also put some bookmarks on the Bookmark Toolbar that she expressed interest in, like As a lark, I also bookmarked Bookmarked Gmail and Yahoo Mail also, in case she wants to make an email account or two. Didn't bother making the "restore disc" set, since her computer is identical to mine, and the set I made for mine will work with hers. If I want, I can just make an extra copy of mine later. As of now, she hasn't used it any, letting it charge overnight, but I showed her some of the basics of using it, and using the laptop "mousepad", since the last mouse she used was on a desktop.
While out, I bought a 5-output ethernet switcher, to hook to the ethernet cable running to the living room here at the house. Have two internet content devices in there now, an older PC hooked to the TV, and the Blu-ray player. Got tired of always having to switch the cable back and forth, so now, THAT problem is solved!