1. He talked my mom into buying him an external USB hard drive for the thing to store downloaded games.
2. He keeps trying to tell me the 22GB/74GB reading on the info screen means he only has 22GB left, which is causing the freeze-ups
3. I know, from years of PC use, it means he has 52GB left on the PS3, which would not cause a freeze.
4. He griped if I took it to Best Buy, which under the warranty, it'd be gone a couple of weeks to get sent back to Sony, he'd be without it.
5. After I argued that fact with him, he said he downloaded a 315MB demo of a game, and the first number went from 22GB to 18GB... IMPOSSIBLE!
6. He argued he wanted to replace the hard drive IN the PS3 with a larger capacity one, I told him it would void the expensive extended warranty I bought.
7. Told him, if the warranty was voided, he wouldn't get another expensive game system... he went to his room.
I'm not into gaming myself, but geesh... am I wrong? Gaming seems to be pre-occupying him too much already! Have to remind him to shower every night! Otherwise, he'll stay on that damn gaming system till time for bed! I know I'm a bit of an internet addict, but I don't let it affect my job or bathing habits!
He keeps this complaining up a week longer, I'll unhook the router, just keep this computer online!