Albert Sims (albert71292) wrote,
Albert Sims

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Vacation, all I ever wanted...

Earlier in the year, on my paycheck stub, I noticed they finally put a weeks worth of vacation time on it. Thing is, apparently if you don't use it within a year, you forfeit it. Now, I already know I wouldn't be able to afford any trips or the such, but it would be nice to just take a week off and just piddle around the house, maybe clean a few rooms that are a bit dusty, and try to catch up on some DVD viewing. They also need to know at least three weeks in advance when you want to take it, and they don't like you to take it around major holidays. Not expecting any out of town relatives or friends to be visiting anytime soon either, so I just need to figure out exactly when I want to take it.
Tags: vacation, work

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