Albert Sims (albert71292) wrote,
Albert Sims

  • Mood:

Not much "exciting" to report.

Just a post to let everyone know I'm still "here". Not much happening. I was off work yesterday and today, did a little housework, worked on the HTML for some more of the pages of my website (cleaning up the fubar code produced by Yahoo Sitebuilder...almost done getting the site back up to normal on the new host), and went to Best Buy to buy volume 6 of the Looney Tunes Golden Collection on DVD.

Andrew got his report card yesterday, he had three "A's", so his grandmother now owes him $15.00 (she gives him $5.00 for each A).

Eastwood has been sleeping in his favorite box the past couple of hours, after not sleeping there for nearly two weeks. I washed the towel I have the box lined with. Now that it's clean, the cat is content. What ever did cats do in the days before we became their servants??

I'll probably spend the next few hours in my comfy recliner in the living room, to try to catch up on some of my DVD watching. My stack of unwatched DVDs keeps growing. Last night, I finally got around to opening season 5 of "I Dream of Jeannie", after having it for over two months. I would watch Leo Laporte record his podcasts today, but I don't really feel like sitting in front of the computer any longer today. This chair makes my rumpus sore.

Tags: cat, dayoff, dvd, son, tv

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