Albert Sims (albert71292) wrote,
Albert Sims

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Going to work tomorrow, regardless of how I feel

Made my decision already. I really don't feel "bad" overall, except for the dizziness (which could be from the meds, which I'll HAVE to take anyway) and the occassional facial numbness, so I'm going to attempt to go back to work tomorrow, since the doctor only wrote my excuse for the two days I was at the hospital. Not going to risk driving myself there, however. Talked to my mother, she said she would drive me there. I don't have my schedule for tomorrow, so I'm going to show up around 11am, fairly certain I wouldn't be scheduled earlier than that. If I'm not scheduled till 2pm or so, mom said she'd bring me back home until time to clock in.

I know you're saying, "Call the store to find out when you are scheduled!" Well, I'm not going to bother trying. Couldn't get a manager on the phone this morning, and even my mother couldn't find a manager to talk to in person when she went there earlier today, after having a CSM (Customer Service Manager...low tier in the chain, no real authority) AND a people greeter page one on the walkie talkie, so I doubt this time on a Friday evening (as busy as that place is on Fridays) I could get one on the phone!
Tags: illness, work

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