Albert Sims (albert71292) wrote,
Albert Sims

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We've returned from Andrew's appointment. The doctor asked Andrew all kinds of questions about his time with his mother, like how he was treated, etc. After the evaluation, the doctor came to the determination that Andrew really didn't need any counseling or medications, since it appeared to him that my mom and I are providing Andrew with some stability, which he never had while living with the ex. Although, if I noticed any behavioral problems later, to contact them again. He also gave me the number for child protective services, told me to call them (it'll have to be tomorrow, they close at 4pm), explain the situation, and tell them he has been evaluated by Monroe Regional Mental Health, and for them to request their evaluation. The doctor said that would set in motion for me to possibly retain permanent custody of Andrew from the ex, which he thinks would be the best thing for him. The doctor seemed certain that, since Andrew hasn't caused any major problems since being here with me, that the earlier problems, if there actually were any, were the result of instability while living with the ex. He said he didn't see any major reasons in the paperwork from "Lillian Louise Behavioral Health" for Andrew to have been admitted there in the first place. My guess is that "Lillian Louise" (a privately owned clinic) only admitted him to collect money from the state Medicaid program. The "Monroe Regional Mental Health Clinic" is run by the state, so is not quite so "money hungry".
Tags: life

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