Post the first sentence or so from the first entry or so from every month of this year.
January: The temperature has been unusually mild here the past 4 days or so.
February: Damn insomnia....
March: I don't think I should have eaten that huge plate of spaghetti and those two Little Debbie fudge brownies... feel like I'm about to "explode".....
April: If you remember the Hilton hacked cellphone earlier, that was nothing! Go HERE for over 200 more celebrity numbers!
May: Arrgghhhh......I've got THIS coming up tomorrow morning.
June: Am I the only one that thinks Dr. Jan C. Garavaglia is a "hottie"?
July: For the first time in nearly three weeks, it is raining a bit outside.
August: A headline writer on described Louisiana as: "the most polluted, uneducated, corrupt state in the union". All I could think after reading that was that it is the most accurate description of the state I have ever read!
September: They keep talking about patching the levees and "rebuilding New Orleans". That concept is stupid on so many levels. The place is BELOW sea level people!
October: Wonder when/if they are going to put out the old Showtime series, "It's Garry Shandling's Show." on DVD?
November: If you read this post I made Saturday concerning the mailing I got for the post office exam for a job in Ruston, well, today, I got another mailing from the post office for an exam for the Monroe post office (had signed up for both places a few months ago on the "Louisiana Works" website).
December: I just added my favorite local news anchor to this online list.
So how was your year?