Albert Sims (albert71292) wrote,
Albert Sims

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Just went to the "LifeShares" blood center in the mall to make a donation, they told me they already were over supplied from people donating due to the tragedy, but they gave me an appointment for next Friday,Sept.21, at 1:15pm to come in and donate. Donating blood is really all I can afford to do at the moment, since I still haven't found work yet...

  • Old Habits Maybe?

    For some reason, when I did the laundry earlier today, I also washed the linens on the bed mom used to sleep on and put them back on the bed…

  • What a Load...

    Don't you hate going to put laundry in the dryer only to discover the load is only half done because the washing machine load shifted?

  • On Account Of...

    Washing some linens this afternoon. I'll be a bit busy tomorrow. Have an early doctor appointment, then after that, going to stop at a local bank and…

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