Albert Sims (albert71292) wrote,
Albert Sims

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Rain, Rain, Go Away....

I don't ever recall being so sick of rain in all my life. Weatherman on television said it has rained 18 out of the past 19 days here. Highly unusual for this time of the year! Keeps raining, I may need to invest in a canoe... my yard is saturated!

View From Out My Front Door Just A Few Moments Ago:


  • Boot Issue

    Well this was nice... NOT! Woke up to a "BiInitializeLibrary Error" while booting up the desktop PC this morning. So, being somewhat computer…

  • Busy Screen

    Yes, I guess you could say I have a lot going on at the moment...

  • Chair Thief!

    Booger steals moms chair when she's not in it...

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