Albert Sims (albert71292) wrote,
Albert Sims

  • Mood:

Pitch Black

Well, I just had an "interesting" nearly 5 hours. I sat around in the dark. A thunderstorm cropped up, worst one I've seen in a while, a little after 5pm this afternoon. At 7pm, I went to the living room to settle down with some television. Shortly before 7:30pm, everything went dark. I waited about half an hour, and called Entergy(the electric company). The recording on the phone said that power was out in my area, and approximately 3400 people were without power, and that it should be fixed by 2am. Well, a few minutes ago, power returned. I'm glad the rain cooled things off, I would have melted without the fans otherwise (on cool evenings like this, I usually turn the air off anyway).

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