Albert Sims (albert71292) wrote,
Albert Sims

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Those idiot spammers will resort to anything to bypass spam filters....

SUBJECT: aristotelean loyal french


Suqper chafrge your lofve liffe!
Orjder your Vliagira and Srupper Viaagsra sadfely and securhely onlicne.

Ciyalgis (Suaper Vitakgra) takes affgect rigwht away and ladsts for daqys!
Eqntper Henre

Geznefric Vizagjra cogsts 60% leses, saive lots of caush!
Ehntwer Hecre

Both prodnucts shilpped discrbetely to your doxor

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    Yes, I guess you could say I have a lot going on at the moment...

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