Albert Sims (albert71292) wrote,
Albert Sims

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Support Enforcement

Went to the mailbox today, along with the usual junk mail was an envelope from Louisiana Support Enforcement. Naturally, when you get something from them, and the ex has been known to wreck havoc in the past, you naturally expect the worse. First thing to cross my mind was, "What is that bitch trying to do THIS time?"
Hesitantly opened the envelope, only to discover no complaints...just a check to me from the "State of Louisiana,Department of the Treasury, For The Account of Department Of Social Services" for a total of $36.95, RE: Payor IV-D Refund. I never thought they would mail any kind of refunds for overpayment until after the years of support were completed. Guess I was mistaken....oh least I'm not "broke" until payday anymore!

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