Albert Sims (albert71292) wrote,
Albert Sims

I Hate Unnecessary Interruptions...

Sitting in the recliner, all comfy, having a couple drinks, watching Woody Allen's "Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex(But Were Afraid To Ask)" on Flix, and get a knock at the door. An older woman working for Kilpatrick Funeral Home looking for my mother. I tell her my mom lives next door, but is at work, and probably won't be home till around 4 this afternoon. She then tries to sell ME on a "pre-arrangement" funeral plan. I tell her I plan to leave my body to science after I go, can't see wasting valuable land space just to put a carcus in a box there. Don't think my mom would be interested either, since I already know she already has a plan with the largest "rival" funeral parlour in town. Not sure what she thought, me answering the door in just a pair of shorts (me in the shorts, not the door)...

Think I've been "alone" too long though...woman appeared to be in her early 60's at least...and I think I might would "hit it".....

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