Albert Sims (albert71292) wrote,
Albert Sims

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Never fails...

There I was trying to 'ignore" getting older as much as possible, get home from work this morning, open the fridge, discover my mom must have let herself in this morning before I got home and left a small cake in there...and left a birthday card(one on the right). Other card, one on the left, came in the mail yesterday, the "annual" card from "Friendly Finance", who I've borrowed money from in the past. Haven't borrowed from them in almost 10 years, you'd think they would "give up" after all this time!


  • Old Habits Maybe?

    For some reason, when I did the laundry earlier today, I also washed the linens on the bed mom used to sleep on and put them back on the bed…

  • What a Load...

    Don't you hate going to put laundry in the dryer only to discover the load is only half done because the washing machine load shifted?

  • On Account Of...

    Washing some linens this afternoon. I'll be a bit busy tomorrow. Have an early doctor appointment, then after that, going to stop at a local bank and…

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