Albert Sims (albert71292) wrote,
Albert Sims

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Busy Night....

Wow...what an exhausting night! Had to "rush" to get my "side work" customer after another came the time my relief showed up this morning, I had deposited over $1200 in the safe, not including what I took in on credit cards and checks...Didn't start "slowing down" until after 2:00am! I keep wondering why so many darn people in their late teens/early 20's are doing out all hours of the night! When I was that age, I was fast asleep at that time!
Well anywho...I just made it in...stopped by the grocery store on my way home and picked up some "hot dog" fixings...going to take a shower, fix a couple hot dogs, and sit in front of the television awhile before I go to bed....


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