Discovered they don't actually supply you with a "uniform", and you need a red polo shirt and khaki pants, two things that didn't exsist in my closet. Since Target is near the mall, I went to Sears, found a nice red "generic" polo shirt for $9.98. Cheapest khaki pants they had however was $34.99. I said "Screw That!"...paid for my shirt, and came back to my side of the river to KMart. Found a nice pair of Khaki pants on sale for $16.99, regular priced $24.99. Have to wait until my money situation gets a little better to buy a couple more sets, but by then I can probably buy them at Target and get 10% off!
Also bought a bottle of something at KMart to help me "live it up tonight and feel dreadful tomorrow"...may be the last time for a long time I'll have a chance to do that, since starting Monday, I'll regularly be working!