Albert Sims (albert71292) wrote,
Albert Sims

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Conflicts of Doctors

The esophagus surgery and the diabetic class I've went to at the hospital (got another "class" tomorrow, a follow-up from the first one a few weeks ago) are "conflicting" in a way. The diabetic nutritionist expects me to be eating three square meals a day, around the same time each day, and with certain proportions of TYPES of food. Since the surgery, even the surgeon said, since my stomach is now smaller, I'll be looking at eating a little bit scattered throughout each day, instead of regular sized meals three times a day.

The diabetic nutritionist will just have to accept the fact. I haven't really seen the point in the class my primary care doctor is sending me to anyway. Three hours of a day of someone telling me a bunch of stuff I pretty much already know.
Tags: classes, diabetes, diets, doctors

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