Albert Sims (albert71292) wrote,
Albert Sims

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Tooth Yanked

I'm now minus the bad tooth. Only took about half an hour for Dr. Bradford to extract it, roots and all. The space has four stitches, and I go back in a week to get the stitches removed.

He injected plenty of Novocaine, only thing I felt was a bit of pressure, and the vibrations of the drill. No pain during the procedure. I'm keeping gauze on the area at the moment, since it's still bleeding a bit.

Nothing solid to eat until after I go back next week, since they don't want me doing any chewing, just stuff I can swallow, like soups, mashed potatoes, very scrambled eggs, etc. For TODAY however, only cold liquids, and NOT through a straw, so the clot won't dislodge, which would cause more bleeding. Glad I have some Ensure in the fridge, since it has some "substance" to it.
Tags: dentist, extraction, stitches, tooth

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