I've avoided that brand since then. Now mainly buying Panasonic batteries. They last just as long, are about half the price, and I've never had any corrode.
I've avoided that brand since then. Now mainly buying Panasonic batteries. They last just as long, are about half the price, and I've never had any corrode.
Just Call Me "Old Man"
Just looked at my receipt from the Coney Island restaurant I stopped at on Smith Street on my way home from the grocery store earlier today. Noticed…
Spaghetti...It's What's For Supper
Got in a sudden mood for spaghetti. Checked my supplies, I had the pasta and ground beef, but didn't have any pasta sauce or Parmesan cheese. So,…
Casseroles and Expired Foods
Since I noticed the can of "Cream of Celery" soup in the cupboard was about a year passed its "Best By" date a couple days ago when I was preparing…
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