Albert Sims (albert71292) wrote,
Albert Sims

  • Music:
Just had another person knock on the front door asking about that house a couple houses up the road again. Wasn't rude to them this time, just nicely told her I knew nothing about the owners. Very attractive redhead asking...couldn't be rude! Noticed another woman in the passenger side of her vehicle out in the driveway. Knowing my luck, they were probably lesbians!

  • Random Family Nonsense

    Andrew finally got rid of that old GM van he had parked under my carport from back before he moved next door in the old trailer mom was previously…

  • Son Roommates

    Thinking my son has a "house mate". Even though he lives next door in the old trailer mom lived in for a time before I moved her in here after she…

  • The Rain Is Good AND Bad

    The "good" thing about all this rain, the temperature today hasn't gotten out of the 70's Fahrenheit all day. The "bad" thing, it'll encourage the…

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