Albert Sims (albert71292) wrote,
Albert Sims

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Well isn't THIS special? NOT!!

Yesterday we were without water for a few hours. When heading out to check the mailbox this morning, noticed a plastic bag with a note inside it hanging on the doorknob. The note was a "Boil Advisory" for people living on this road. It said because of a broken valve on the main line, the water is of "questionable microbiological quality".

NOW THEY TELL US! During the time since the water was restored yesterday, I've drank a lot of water and made a lot of instant tea from the tap. Just now recovering from the pneumonia, don't want to get sick again because of bad water! Since the note said it only affected 80 residences, why didn't they CALL yesterday, instead of waiting nearly a day to pass out notes?!?
Tags: boil advisory, water

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