Albert Sims (albert71292) wrote,
Albert Sims

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The Tooth, The Whole Tooth, and Nothing But The Tooth...

Back from the dentist. Tooth wasn't worth trying to save. Large cavity nearly up to the nerve. I'm now less one tooth and $165! Prescribed some pills to take when the numbness starts to wear off. Must be strong medicine since I had to show my license and sign for it at the pharmacy.

One bad thing, if I knew the tooth was going to be pulled in advance, I might have eaten something before I left the house. I can only drink cold liquids for the next 24 hours. Tomorrow I can step up to light stuff like tomato or potato soups and the like. The paper of "instructions following extraction" says to "work up" to normal eating as soon as possible.

I'm going to be a HUNGRY MOFO the next few days!
Tags: dentist, pulling, tooth

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