Albert Sims (albert71292) wrote,
Albert Sims

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Toyed around with the new USB cassette deck this evening. Discovered, since it's been a few years since I've done any audio digitizing, I'm completely rusty! Tried converting an old cassette using Audacity, 54 minutes into a one hour recording, the thing started "cyloning"! That's when I discovered, after unplugging and plugging the device back in, and trying to re-record JUST the part where the cyloning began, I had NO CLUE how to just insert the new track into the old track in Audacity! Only used the program about three times in my life, and never tried anything that complicated with it.

SO, tomorrow, I'm gonna try to record that one hour cassette from scratch again, and hope it doesn't start to "cylon". If it does, I'm gonna be one UNHAPPY camper!
Tags: cassette, digitizing, usb

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