Albert Sims (albert71292) wrote,
Albert Sims

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As For My Previous Post....

To quote a line from "Monty Python's Flying Circus"...
"These views may not be popular, but I've never been one to deal in popularity"

Anywho... Made a mistake looking through the DVD's at Wal-Mart earlier today. Found another that technically I shouldn't be buying since out of work, but it was cheaper than I'd ever seen it, so bought it... "The Pink Panther" with David Niven, Peter Sellers, and Robert Wagner...will throw in a review later in the community.

Anyone out there that knows a lot about the way computers work...a does Adaptec's Easy CD Creator "Spin Doctor" clean up the sound of old recordings? I'm still amazed that some of the tapes my friends and I made on monophonic tape recorders in the early '80's sound better after going through "Spin Doctor" than the original tapes sound!

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